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Who are Freedon, Sarah, Macky Rae, and Reba? They are my little dogs!
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Regarding any typos you may find in this blog:
Currently, I am using the computer at the library to write and publish this blog. In addition to the spellcheck on their computer, there is a spell checker on the blog-host's server - and the two programs are arguing with each other, and sometimes one or both corrects my typing, even when it doesn't need to be corrected.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dogs Say the Darnedest Things

My dogs sometimes say very funny things. 
The following is a selection of conversations from my dogs:

General Tso's Chicken 

While sharing an order of Chinese food:
FREEDOM: This is tasty. What is it?

ME: General Tso's Chicken

MACKY: Why are we eating someone else's food?

ME: We're not. This is our food.

MACKY: But you said it was General Tso's chicken.

ME: That's just what it's called.

MACKY: Why is that?

ME: I don't know. Maybe General Tso was the one who invented it.

SARAH: Seriously? Are we expected to believe that a General has time to cook chicken for his soldiers?

FREEDOM: Maybe he just cooked chicken for the officers.

SARAH: Generals don't cook chicken!

MACKY: Colonel's do.

ME: They do?

MACKY: One does at KFC. Ever heard of Colonel Sanders?

ME: He wasn't a real colonel.

FREEDOM: So, you think maybe General Tso wasn't a real General?

MACKY: Maybe General Tso's was just the name of a fast food restaurant in ancient China.

FREEDOM: Do they have fast food in China?

MACKY: They have fast food everywhere.

FREEDOM: Did they have fast food back then?

MACKY: I bet you they did!

FREEDOM: Do you think they had Taco Bell?

MACKY: Of course not. That is Mexican food.

FREEDOM: Oh, right.

SARAH: You guys are stupid.

Wake me up, when October ends.

MACKY: Dad! Quick, come outside.
I set my coffee down and go outside to see what he was excited about. 
ME: What's wrong?

MACKY: Someone has poisoned our trees!

ME: What makes you think that?

MACKY: Look at them! All the leaves are turning brown and falling off.

ME: That's because it's autumn.

MACKY: Their dieing!

ME: No they're not.

MACKY: I bet it was that stupid cat across the street. He is evil.

ME: How do you know this?

MACKY: All cats are evil!

Faster than a speeding Greyhound 

After noticing Macky Rae playing outside:
 ME: What is Macky wearing a a dish towel around his neck?

FREEDOM: That's his cape.

ME: Why is he wearing a cape?

FREEDOM: So he can fly, like Underdog.

ME: He thinks if he wears a cape, he can fly?


ME: Why does he believe that?

FREEDOM: Sarah told him.
The sound of a crash, followed by Macky yelping.
SARAH: Dad! Come quick! Macky just jumped of the porch, and now he is stuck in the rose bush!

Answering to a higher power

After giving the dogs each a hot dog:
MACKY: Do you know what Sarah told me?

ME: No, what did she tell you?

MACKY: She told me that hot dogs are made from the icky part of animals, but I did not believe her. Do you know why?

ME: No, why didn't you.

MACKY: Because she ate her hot dog. If it really was made of icky parts, why did she eat hers.

ME: You are a very clever dog. Did she say what "Icky parts" were?

MACKY: She said it was lips and [censored].
Not to self: Talk to Sarah about appropriate vocabulary, especially around Macky Rae.
MACKY: I think she was just trying to be tricky. She just wanted to eat my hot dog too.

ME: Well, don't worry, because I only buy good hot dogs.

Kosher dogs

MACKY: I only like good hot dogs. What kind do you buy?

ME: Hebrew National. They're kosher.

MACKY: What does kosher mean?

ME:  It means they don't contain "icky parts."

MACKY: That is good.

ME: Their motto is "No ifs, ands, or buts."

MACKY: Good, because I do not want to eat butts.

Every Parent's Nightmare

At 3am:

MACKY: Dad. Sorry to wake you.
Do we own a fire extinguisher?

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